Monday, April 6, 2015

Final Project Proposal

      I would like for my final project in GGS 411 to revolve around the Lord of the Rings trilogy. The movies and books were some of my favorites growing up and I have read and watched them countless times. There are a couple of interactive maps online already that contain data, I feel they do not adequately display a timeline of events that transpired during the trilogy. The maps that I have found are just locations on a map that contain facts about the area, not a chronological order of events that could accompany the movies and add to a watchers enjoyment.

     Example of Current Interactive Map

     Using Flash, I would follow the path of the Fellowship giving small details that coincide with the movie locations and lore of Middle Earth until it breaks up at Amon Hen, then follow Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli's journey, Merry and Pippins shenanigans, and Frodo and Sam's dark and desperate quest into Mordor separately on the map. The map itself has been drawn countless times. Map Base Layer Example
     An idea I have thought of toying with:
- Using shape tweens to show the spread of power throughout Middle Earth. For example, as the trilogy progresses, Saruman builds an army so a shape tween would be built over his area known as Isengard that would extend towards Rohan as his army did in the Two Towers. As a person or groups power and control over an area grows in the trilogy, so would the shape tween all while the 3 paths would progress.

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