Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Weekly post: Bi-variate Map

Map showing annual snowfall and the (in this case) a correlation to the downhill and cross country skiers of an area. Areas that have higher annual snowfall tend to have more downhill and cross country skiers.

Weekly post: Dot Density

Each dot represents a different cluster of tweets of different languages which essentially maps the world according to twitter and the languages of twitter users.

Weekly post: Isoline Map

The best isoline maps tend to be weather related. Isoline maps make it very easy to identify local weather conditions in your area.

Weekly post: Proportional Symbol

Basic map showing wine consumption in Europe. Not surprisingly, France and Spain are huge consumers (and producers of wine). However I was not expected Germany to consume as much wine as they did since no one thinks wine when Germany is brought into an alcohol discussion.

Weekly post: Color

A map that shows humidity of Africa. Most people associate Africa with hot temperatures but the country has surprisingly low humidity. It's basically hot and dry

Weekly post: Choropleth Map

Choropleth map produced by the ESPN show Sportsnation. Very basic map showing percentages of the excitement level per state for the Superbowl.

Weekly post: Campus Map

Very detailed guide (probably slightly outdated now) of the PSU campus in State College, Pennsylvania. Since the college is so integrated into the city, it's very important to have a map for students to find their way around.

Weekly post: Type

Type Map of the world showing countries composed of their major cities


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Lab 10 - Bivariate map of total population and percent of population with bachelors degree

Monday, November 3, 2014

Final Project Proposal

Map subject:
The 12 year breakdown of Penn State football players (by high school, county) they played football at.

Reason why this is my pick:
Most of my family members are Penn State football fans and alumni of the school. I think it would be interesting to map out where the players come from and see the distribution of where they come from.

Map audience:
People who are interested in Penn State football, Penn State alumni, or people who live in Pennsylvania

Type of map envisioned:
Either a dot density map or a choropleth map

Scope of map:

Data was collected from pennstate.scout.com which included the city, state and high school for each player on the team over the last 12 years

Basemap needed:
Pennsylvania shapefile that includes county layer

Expected production steps:
Data collection and organization. The longest step will be taking the high schools and locating them on the map if a dot density map is used. If a choropleth map is made, the players high school locations will have to be organized by county in an excel file.

Challenges you perceive:
Getting players mixed up

Lab 8 - Isoline

Lab 8 - Isoline Map

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Weekly Blog Post #2

This is a map projection cutting out most of the oceans of the world in order to display the continents on a flat surface to preserve their size.

Thursday, August 28, 2014